Does this happen to you? You’re off to bed, pajamas on, face washed, teeth brushed, ready to get some much-needed shuteye. You’re thinking “well, today wasn’t so bad. I forgot a couple of things but I promise tomorrow I’ll do better!” The morning after, the 3rd alarm rings, signaling that you are now late because you hit the snooze button twice. You skip breakfast, grab some coffee at the store and head off to work looking decent but not really fabulous. Your day now spirals into a game of catch up. Then again, you’re off to bed promising to do better tomorrow.
Here’s the secret: good days start the night before. So if you want to have a productive day being less stressed and less frazzled, then you should prep the night before. Start creating your productive tomorrow, today.
Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Get your things ready to go – make a list of all the things you need for your day and get them ready during the evening before. Make cold brew coffee that’s ready to pour into your favorite coffee tumbler. Get your gym bag ready if you plan on squeezing in a workout the next day. Pack your office bag. Ladies have different bags for different outfits so invest in a bag organizer that you can just transfer. Pick your work clothes out so that you don’t have to waste time rummaging through your closet in the morning.
2. The 5-minute rule – no it’s not about food. The 5-minute rule is about giving yourself 5 minutes to pick up things and put them back where they belong. This goes for shirts, keys, wallets, bowls, cups, towels, and trash..and whole host of other things. A quick run through the house to tidy up makes it easier for tomorrow.
3. Check your schedule – quickly check what your agenda for tomorrow is. What are you doing? When are you doing it? Who are you with? Prepare accordingly.
4. To-Do list – make a prioritized to-do list. Extract your 3 top priorities (try to keep it at 3, otherwise you will feel overwhelmed) and put them at the very top of the list. Everything else can be moved around except for our top 3. Keep your list short and focused.
5. Decompress – at the end of the day, decompress. Try not to think about work, the news, other worries, or the state of affairs of the nation before you go to bed. Turn off your tech 3 hours before going to bed (or whatever is doable). Just turn it off already. The blue light from the screens disturbs your sleep patterns. Once you get off the screen, think about what you want to achieve for the next day to help you get into a productive mindset. You can also use that time to give thanks for all that you are grateful for.
How about you. What are your evening wind down rituals to help you get ready for a productive day? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard.
Written by Jaie O. The Help