What does your self care routine look like?

What does your self care routine look like?

If you’ve been following us on this blog, you know by now that the secret to being a productivity powerhouse is investing in self care. You can read about it here: What is the Secret to Becoming More Productive? It’s Not What You Think. In that article, I mention that self care is more than just going to the spa or doing a face mask. The reality is that, self care looks different for everybody. Your version of self care would definitely be a lot different from mine. Mine would involve a lot of food and pet kisses, but I digress…

I have a box in my closet that holds “self-care” things. I take it out whenever I need a breather or whenever I need to take my mind off things that worry most adults (bills, work, relationships, health, etc.) Inside this box is a collection of diverse miscellaneous knick knacks that help me decompress: a coloring book, some pens, a compass (for making mandalas), old CDs, copies of my favourite cartoons and comedy shows, a calligraphy set…you get the idea. I don’t take away items in that box, I only add. All of these items are things that help me nurture my personal well-being.

What items would help you celebrate ME time? Out of ideas? Here are a few to get you started.

A jar or tube of face scrub – buy one of those yummy smelling one. If you’re a dude, the ones with coffee are very popular, and gives you the added bonus of smelling nice. Exfoliation is one of the self care practices that gets forgotten if it isn’t automatically incorporated in your skin care routine.
Face masks – same thing for face masks. This practice only get remembered when you finally find the time to decompress or when you feel you need to relax. So might as well get those that have skin improving benefits.
A jump rope – if you’re into fitness, you might already have exercise equipment at home Having this in your self care box will remind you that exercise is also, if not, THE biggest self care ritual there is.

Drawing or coloring materials – doing something creative is one of the self care rituals that not only improves your mental clarity, but also improves your cognitive functions by exercising your mental muscles. And it isn’t even hard, back breaking work.
Puzzle books – These are probably one of the best ways to improve your cognitive skills over all. Puzzles help exercise your logical faculties, without you having to feel pressured, tired, or burned out (very unlike solving problems at work).

Pet treats or toys – these are things that will remind you to play with your pets or just go out for a walk with them.
Books – keep hardcover copies of the ones that resonate most with you, all the rest you can keep as e-books (or not, but if you’re doing Marie Kondo…)

Candles – light a beautiful beeswax candle in a scent you like and send out light and healing to yourself or those who need it.
Crystals and shells – if you’re into that sort of thing.

So here’s a question, if you were to put together a self-care box, what would be inside? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard.

Written by Jaie O. The Help