Achieving Dreams

Achieving Dreams

bigstock-Achieve-success-15063410The year 2014 is about to end.

It is that time of the year when everyone looks back on accomplishments. It is also when the future beckons, to look forward to. For some, it is time to seriously think about dreams that have been on the back burner for many years. Keeping in mind that pursuing one’s dreams is not the same as being self-centered, it is important to take some small steps to achieve one or two of those dreams in 2015. But how to do exactly that? Following are some suggestions that can make dreams within touching distance.

1)    Have a vision of your dream. For example, if the dream is to spend a month in Milan, Italy, mixing with the locals, then learning Italian is the first step. See yourself in a classroom or with a tutor, keeping this in mind as you save up for a beginner’s course. With determination and discipline, one can also begin learning about its culture by going online to sites that offer information and even language podcasts.

2)    While you’re online, some checking on what it will take to live in Italy for a month. For instance, find an estimate of daily expenses; cost of staying at a bed and breakfast compared to rooming with a family. Know everything there is to know about living abroad, in particular Italy.

3)    Be flexible in making your plans. Challenges and disappointments will come up. Adjust accordingly but hold on to that dream. Make certain that family and friends support you. As we’ve often heard from successful people “Quitting is not an option” in any endeavor especially when it comes to you dreams.

4)    Be on the lookout for negative thoughts that come your way. When it does happen, think about the plans towards achieving your dreams and the completed steps.

More important, continue to visualize yourself in that dream. Whether it’s a trip, getting courses to learn new skills, or going back to school, experience them and sense them as if it is already happening. Remember that dreams are alive because we hold on to them.

Best wishes for a happy 2015!

Written by Yoli P.- The Help