

employee-appreciation-quotes-3The ability to appreciate is part of us, human beings. Some of us are more conscious of it while others are not. According to an anagram solver, the word appreciation contains 746 words but its innate importance is in our realizing the worth and quality of a person or a service rendered. Having a spirit of appreciation for someone or something where we benefit produces a feeling of well-being that is experienced by both recipient and giver of such benefit.

Last Saturday, June 28, The Help Staff was at an Appreciation Dinner in Tagaytay City. That the staff isn’t reporting to a common physical location didn’t affect the conversation and laughter. The buffet dinner that started at 6:00 P.M. went on till shortly before 9:00 P.M. Afterward everyone proceeded to a videoke place to sing live to popular songs accompanied by pre-recorded music. That was even more fun!

Reminded of appreciation and how much the grind of daily life makes most of us forget to be grateful, I thought now is a good time to write a list of the things I’m most thankful for.

  1. I belong to a great team at The Help
  2. I continue to learn new things in the world of Apps and Internet
  3. I work toward goals I’m passionate about
  4. I am honest even when there’s discomfort in it
  5. I have family and friends who support and believe in me
  6. I have a spiritual space that I go back to all the time
  7. I bounce back from disappointments
  8. Almost 70, I still enjoy life and take on its challenges
  9. I take care of my health
  10. I remember that I stand on all other women’s shoulders who made today’s opportunities possible.

How about you? What are you grateful for?

Written by Yoli P.- The Help