At one point in your life, you might have felt that you may have picked the wrong career. You might have dreamt of switching to a different career, one that is more aligned with your vision…or at the very least, with the course you majored in college.
However, jumping from one career to another isn’t easy. We are all held back by fear. On one hand, a career change could mean more avenues to explore your potential and new opportunities to discover. One the other hand, it could mean starting over from scratch and not being equipped with the skills needed for your career to take off. If only there was a guarantee, but like everything in life, there are no guarantees. You can only jump in and hope that everything goes your way.
If you’re planning on switching careers, best of luck to you.We know that you can make it work. Make sure to avoid these career switch mistakes and you’re all set.
The mistake of chasing money
Your deciding factor should be how well the job suits you, not how much it pays. Most career burnout horror stories start with being lured to switch to that high paying – high powered job only to burnout and be left with a life’s worth of mental illness. A career switch isn’t a solution if you’re looking for bigger pay. You should chase growth and purpose instead of a paycheck.
The mistake of thinking a switch will make you happier
Sure, you’re unhappy at work. You dread Mondays. You’re working for the weekend. I could go on with all the “ I hate work!” cliches but answer this: Is it really your career that’s making you unhappy? Could it be the work environment? Could it be that you’re surrounded by difficult people? Could it be bad boundaries? Think hard about this: is the industry to blame or is it the bad work environment? You might be better off looking for a new opportunity while staying in the same industry.
The mistake of comparing yourself to others
Seeing someone you know do well in a different industry is really a huge draw because you see their success first hand. You might be thinking “I am very determined to learn and if they can do it, so can I!” When your friend makes a killing in sales and you’re stuck in the office as an HR professional, it’s not a long shot to entertain thoughts of switching to a career in sales. However, remember that you do not have the same skill set and skills are not acquired by simply observing from the outside.
The mistake of switching to a “hot” field
Not all industries are created equal. Some really do pay more than others. Some are so in demand that you don’t need to look for a job, the job finds you. But “hot” careers come and go and although you might have the skills and knowledge to make it big in this “hot” career, it is still prudent to assess if it will still be a “hot” career down the line.
What tips can you give those who are planning on switching careers? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard.
Written by Jaie O. TheHelp