Tag Archives: Burnout

Got COVID Fatigue? Here’s How You Can Help Your Team

Got COVID Fatigue? Here’s How You Can Help Your Team

By now, everyone’s got COVID fatigue. Most of us have turned into mask wearing, hand sanitizing, disinfectant spraying neat freaks. The global pandemic has immersed us into choppy waters, but you can do a few things to help each other ease the significant stress brought about by trying not to get sick with the virus.

First, how do you spot Covid burnout in a teammate? The truth is, Covid burnout looks different for everyone. But these are the most common signs:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Emotional exhaustion
  • Anxiety
  • Brain fog
  • Reduced productivity on certain days
  • Other signs in this excellent infographic from Employment Hero

When you spot these signs, ask your teammate if there’s anything you can do to help. Here are some other ways that managers and teammates can help their team manage Covid burnout.

1. By making an employee assistance program (EAP) program available
An employee assistance program is a service that allows employees to access health care professionals via confidential counseling services when they need it most. Stress that the service is absolutely confidential to encourage your team to seek help and counseling.

2. By having the option to take a mental health day
If your organization allows it, remind your team that they have an extra day of paid leave to take a mental health break so that they can switch off from work and enjoy a de-stressing day with loved ones.

3. By providing some tips – tips like:

  • Stop doom scrolling
  • Mix up your schedule to shake things up
  • Remind your team that they can take their annual leave and that they are not expected to do any work while on that leave
  • Recommend mind calming apps (Calm, Headspace, Balance, Fabulous are just some apps that can help with mental clarity and structure). Personally, the fabulous app has done wonders for me in terms of providing structure to my days and setting goals – a very important factor in mitigating burnout since it gives you something to look forward to everyday. Balance also has some great meditation tips to help calm you down, especially for those who have trouble switching off and going into relaxation mode at the end of the day. Calm and Headspace have similar meditation walk throughs/coaching modules available for when you want to be mindful or just switch off from overdrive.

4. By having the option to work flexibly
If your organization allows hybrid work, then remind your team of that option. The ability to choose where and when a teammate can do work and how best to do it does wonders for their mental well-being as well as increases employee retention. When teams know that they have the ability to prioritize their tasks according to what is important to them (as opposed to mandating business and income generating business tasks) they will feel that they are valued as significant contributors and not just cogs in the wheel.

Do you have tips to help others through Covid burnout? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

Bosses Experience Burnout Too

Bosses Experience Burnout Too

There’s a running joke among employees about reliving the same day over and over for over a year – a lot like groundhog’s day but in a pandemic setting. COVID – 19 has surely caused major disruptions in the way we live and elevated stress is one very clear sign of the times. 

With many people still working from home, the lines between personal time and time for work have become blurry. This is why a lot of remote workers feel overworked. But it’s not just the employees who feel this exhaustion, whole companies feel the dip too. With that, managers, bosses, and business owners feel burnout as well. Leaders have to make changes in order to improve the company’s resilience to stress and burnout. Bring back focus and clarity and avoid burnout with these 4 tips for managers:

1. Create a dialogue

Leaders should create an atmosphere where all parties feel comfortable speaking up about their challenges and experiences without judgment. Not only should managers provide a forum for employees to air their grievances but also a venue to share best practices, experiences, and triumphs as well. Good communication and respect for others will go a long way towards reducing burnout for both you and your employees.

2. Be specific

Make it easier for yourself and your employees to accomplish goals and hit deadlines by establishing clear processes, coherent instructions, and straightforward guidelines. Having clear instructions works well for both employee and employer. In case something falls through the cracks (as is bound to happen to even the best companies), both staff and/or manager will be able to catch it, flag it, and address it at any point in the process.

3. Let go

Let go of the command and control business model that defines old, traditional work styles. The future workplace should be more flexible and fluid. To enable that, leaders should advocate for autonomy and give their employees control over how to get work done. Employees who are given more autonomy over their work feel more trusted and are happier in the long run. Happy employees stay with the company for longer, saving the company a lot of resources. This is a huge contrast to companies with high turnover and attrition rates who need to constantly invest time and money in training new employees.

4. Minimize distractions

Sure, technology makes work easier. But sometimes, having a lot of tools available makes it harder for staff to focus. There’s getting over the learning curve, then having to choose which tools will be best for the job, then there’s tracking the tasks, and finally, there’s actually using the tools to do the task. Make it easier for everyone to do their work by using agile tools that can streamline employees’ work management processes, therefore eliminating a significant chunk of busywork. 

How about you? How do you, as a manager, prevent or minimize instances of stress and burnout in the workplace? We’d love to hear your tips. Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

Practical Ways To Really Beat The Burnout Blues

Practical Ways To Really Beat The Burnout Blues

The past few months have been a struggle for everyone. Together, we have faced many adversities. With the holidays coming up, everyone is looking forward to taking a breather. We are all telling ourselves a version of: “if I can just get a holiday, I can shed off this burden of stress and escape burnout.” If only it were that simple.

Unusual Circumstances

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit globally, all forms of social gatherings were staunchly banned and nations were sent on lockdown. Getting together with family and friends was discouraged. So was travelling. That meant that taking vacations was off of our list of things to do while the world was on lockdown.

Hope Against Hope

Travel bans were in place internationally and even domestically. There goes our hope of taking that much-awaited vacation in the hopes escaping burnout and stress. However, hinging your strategy on a getaway in order to solve your burnout problems isn’t such a sound plan after all. Burnout is defined as “a reaction to prolonged or chronic job stress and is characterized by three main dimensions: exhaustion, cynicism (less identification with the job), and feelings of reduced professional ability.[1]” While we are all hopeful that a break might chase those burnout blues away. The only real solution is change. Two in particular: a change in environment and a change in behaviour.

How Are You Feeling

Here are some common signs of burnout:

  • Feelings of alienation and exhaustion – sure physical distancing is the IN thing nowadays. But if you are experiencing emotional distance and growing cynical about your outlook in life, you might be experiencing burnout. If you feel way beyond tired, and feel emotionally exhausted, numb, and drained, you might be experiencing burnout.
  • Physical symptoms – headaches, stomachaches, and gastrointestinal issues are common symptoms of stress and burnout.
  • Performance dip – having negative feelings about tasks and responsibilities that you once enjoyed doing are surefire signs of burnout. Dips in productivity and creativity, as well as lack of concentration, are signs as well.

Change In Environment

While a vacation or some time off can and will offer you some temporary relief from stress and burnout, it won’t be a permanent solution to your problem. Take regular scheduled breaks from work along with a change of pace or routine. In rare cases, a change in position or a new job altogether might be necessary for severe burnout.

Change In Behaviour

Developing a clear action plan involves making changes in behaviour as well. Prioritizing self-care is one of the surefire ways to reduce stress and burnout. Eat a healthy diet, exercise, and monitor your sleep habits so you can make changes for the better will contribute a lot to reducing stress and burnout.

If you have exhausted all these options and feel that they are not working, try to seek the help of a mental health professional to discover what you need to create a personalized action plan. What are your tips to combat burnout? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

[1] Burnout Symptoms and Treatment

When a Vacation can’t Cure a Burnout from Work

When a Vacation can’t Cure a Burnout from Work

Have you ever woken up on a Monday morning and exclaimed to yourself – “oh no, not again!” It starts off sinisterly, like on one unassuming Sunday afternoon. Our heart starts to fill with dread at the thought of coming to work tomorrow. And when tomorrow finally rolls in, you drag yourself out of bed and try to fake energy and enthusiasm with a cup of coffee. You somehow manage to get yourself to the office and hunker down to work but lose your focus and get annoyed at the slightest work interruption.

If this keeps happening, then it’s no longer normal work stress. It is a burnout. You might not believe it, seeing as you love your job so much. But even those who have passion for their jobs are not immune to experiencing burnouts. If you’re one of them, you are not alone.

A Deloitte marketplace survey says 77% of 1000 respondents experience employee burnout at their current job. In a culture where busy is a badge of honor and constant exhaustion is the new normal, it is no surprise that many employees are wildly careening towards a big crash n’ burn. So how do you get yourself back on track? Here are 3 tips to “cure” a burnout, realistically.

Get your time back
Being busy leaves us with no time for self-reflection. So you work your way through the day and power through without a second thought about how you are feeling. You then slowly but steadily move out of sync with your emotional state. Over time, your emotional tank gets by on being half full (or almost empty) and that is a sure way that leads to burnout.

Don’t wait until your tank is empty before you practice self-care. Pause and take a physical and mental break. Reflect on how you’re feeling. Are you running on fumes? Refuel your tank by getting food, taking a break, packing up for the day, writing a to-do list, or just deep breathing for a while.

Detach yourself from work
When you leave the office at 6pm, are you done for the day or do you take work home? Being constantly connected means you never miss a thing, but it also means you never truly leave work behind – you just change venues. If you take work home, check your email during weekends, work on that project while on vacation, or answer business calls in the car, you’re constantly working without breaks. So why do you wonder why you’re so exhausted?

Learn to set personal boundaries. Know when work is over and personal time begins. Set hard stop times. And please, for the love of all that’s fun, mentally detach yourself from work at the end of each workday and take your weekends back.

The incredibly satisfying art of doing nothing
Technology is an amazing thing. We now have an app for everything. This is why we never get bored. If you own a smartphone, you’ll always have something to do. Check your social media feeds, watch the news, play a game, pay your bills, shop online, plan your next vacation, listen to music, or even take online courses. There is no shortage of things to keep you busy. No one is really doing nothing. We’re all busy doing productive or quasi productive things, especially on our mobile devices. But even if we’re doing these things to pass the time, it really doesn’t help us with much needed physiological and psychological replenishment. So do yourself a favor, schedule a time in your busy workday to just nothing for at least 5mins. Your brain will thank you.

How do you beat work burnout? Let us know in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today.

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp