How To Improve Employee Wellbeing By Making Small Changes In The Workplace

How To Improve Employee Wellbeing By Making Small Changes In The Workplace

It has not been a good year for anybody in terms of health, happiness, or just the general atmosphere in current events. A lot of businesses have experienced major challenges in the form of budget cutbacks, organization restructures, or business closures. Employee morale sure could use a boost as we enter the last quarter of the year and what could arguably be the busiest season for businesses, work-wise.

There is always room for improvement when it comes to creating a happier and healthier workplace. Businesses that promote health and well-being are reported to have more successful employees and have better employee retention in the long term. Improving the workplace can pose a challenge right now since there are still a good number of employees who are either working from home or working remotely. However, there are certain small changes that can be encouraged in order to create a healthier workplace be it at home or at the office.

Boost Team Health

A healthy team is a happy team. While it is not advisable for people to troop to the gym right now due to COVID-19 health advisories, we can still encourage employees to get fit. One good example is to subsidize or give corporate discounts for subscriptions to exercise apps or training apps. The DownDog app not only has yoga lessons but HIIT, Barre, 7 Minute Workout, and Prenatal Yoga as well. Other examples are Nike Training Club, Aaptiv, Lotus Yoga & Workout, Kettlebell Workouts by Fitify, and TRX. You can also hold your very own “Biggest Loser” competition as a (long-running) team building exercise. You can even create a virtual bulletin board for sharing healthy recipes.

Improve Efficiency

Check for areas where efficiency can be improved. You will find many but focus on those that have an impact on team morale. For example, are your Zoom meetings running too long? That would be a waste of resources (time, effort). Be sure to have an agenda before going into the meeting and stick to it. Don’t book it for longer than 45minutes and discuss only the essentials. Invite only the relevant stakeholders and then send copies of the summary to everyone else. Make small changes in the office, streamline your processes to avoid duplication of work or unnecessary costs. 

Recognize Your Team’s Achievements

You’ll find out more about that in this article.

Career Planning

Make sure that career pathways are clear and developed. Make sure that career opportunities are available for your team. Otherwise, they will look for it elsewhere. Your team should have goals and milestones to achieve in order to feel that they are working towards a greater good. If there are no opportunities to progress or get promoted, then employees will feel unmotivated. Give them a chance to develop new skills or take on additional responsibilities to improve their status at work.

How do you improve the employee wellbeing while working from home? Share your tips with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

Are You Giving Your Team The Recognition They Deserve?

Are You Giving Your Team The Recognition They Deserve?

When you have been working really hard and feel good about the results of a project you were deeply involved in, a little recognition from the company should be in order, right? Sadly, a lot of companies have been missing out on giving their employees duly deserved recognition because we’re mostly working from home after all. However, being in lockdown should not be a hurdle for employers to give recognition to their employees for a job well done.

Recognition for great work is a very important part of team management and team engagement. By rewarding your team, you are boosting morale. Happy and satisfied employees tend to be more committed to doing better for the next projects and are more loyal to the company.

Employee recognition usually comes in two types:

Monetary: this would come in the form of bonuses, vouchers, and gift cards.

Non-monetary: verbal thank-yous, extra vacation days, flexible work hours, extra benefits, or recognition ceremonies fall under this category.

How to say “Thank you, we appreciate your hard work!”

Recognition Day

Organize an awarding ceremony or a recognition day for your top performers. It can be just a simple ceremony to hand out certificates and thank you tokens for their great work. Or it can be a big event such as a themed party or a company-wide celebration, complete with plaques and gifts.

Send it out in an email

Want your team to beam with pride while they walk the halls at work? Send out a company-wide email detailing their achievements and how they did a good job, along with a heartfelt thank you note for their dedication.

Activity Day

Organize an activity day when your team gets to kick back and relax in an out of work setting. To thank them for their hard work, you can treat them to a picnic, a lunch out, an out-of-town trip, or any fun and relaxing activity where you can practice social distancing, of course.

The most important thing to remember when giving your team recognition is to ensure that it is authentic and timely. Employers must take great care to reward genuine, exemplary work when it happens in order to make employees and teams believe that their work is truly valued. Rewarding average work or even giving recognition in an impersonal or insincere manner won’t resonate well with your team and will not give them the desired effect of making them feel appreciated. 

Employee recognition is one of the biggest drivers of engagement and is directly linked to employee satisfaction and loyalty. Remember that rewards are not always monetary and that you can get creative when it comes to showing your team the recognition they deserve. 

How does your company show appreciation and recognition? What other ways can your company show their appreciation that teams can appreciate? Share your tips with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

Why You Need Tools and Apps for Your Small Business

Why You Need Tools and Apps for Your Small Business

A small business owner wears many hats. That is why it is important to learn to delegate and automate, otherwise, the small business owner will be at risk of burnout. As a small business owner, you might have to redirect your focus on tasks that produce results that are directly related to the growth of your business. Having tools and business software at your disposal can be compared to delegating the repetitive tasks that are also essential to the business but can be delegated to someone else. For example, if you would rather focus on creating quality content, then you can delegate the task of email marketing.

Like having a reliable team, having reliable software and tools can help make you and your team more productive and more organized. 

Here are a few areas you should look at when thinking about purchasing business software and tools for your small business:


All teams rely on good communication in order to thrive. This is especially important now that teams are working remotely while on lockdown. Instant messaging apps and video conferencing tools are now considered essential. Some of the most powerful tools have team messaging and private messaging, video conferencing, screen sharing, email, and file sharing features built into one app. Zoom, GoogleMeet, Slack, and Skype are good examples of communication tools.


These are the apps that help your team work smarter, not harder. It helps you focus your efforts on the most important tasks and has project management capabilities that help give direction to your team. These tools help you design workflows and automate recurring processes to save time and effort and keep your team focused on doing essential tasks. Some excellent productivity and project management tools are Trello, Wrike, Asana, and Zoho.


A team is only as successful as its collaboration efforts. So, in order to create successful teams, you must encourage collaboration. Collaboration software is another essential tool since the lockdown has forced teams to work remotely and/or work from home. These tools allow your team to share knowledge and exchange ideas. It also creates a knowledge bank of quick answers and shared resources. Some of the best collaboration tools have built-in communication features as well. This way, people can share ideas and talk about them in real-time. Notable collaboration tools include: GoogleDrive and DropBox.

When planning to purchase business software, consider the number of current users and if you eventually plan to scale (which means adding more users). For small business start-ups, you can check out the free plans, from which you can upgrade when your business outgrows the free plans (which will happen inevitably). 

Do you remember the first small business tool you’ve tried? What has improved since you first started using it? Is it still your favorite small business tool? Share your story and let us know in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

Keeping A Positive Mindset By Exploring Free Hobbies

Keeping A Positive Mindset By Exploring Free Hobbies

We’re all guilty of trying a new quarantine fad or two in order to stay sane during this pandemic. With social gatherings being frowned upon or outright outlawed, a lot of us have turned to hobbies in order to stay healthy and well-adjusted. In a “survey by The Healthy Work Company, a workplace mental health consultancy, 22 percent of respondents had taken up a new pastime in lockdown, while 35 percent had rediscovered an old one.” Not surprisingly, trying out new things have a beneficial effect on mental health, with 41% of those who take up a new hobby reporting a positive impact on their mental health, compared to 30 percent for those focusing on old hobbies[1].

Learning a new hobby refocused our attention on being curious and creative and away from feeling stressed and anxious. Yes, it is a distraction – but a very welcome one. It helps people regain perspective and trying to master an activity gives us a boost of confidence and self-esteem. You might think you have limited options with everyone being under some form of lockdown, but this is the time to get creative. Here are a few hobbies to try while from home. The best thing is, all of them are free!

  • Calligraphy – is the art of beautiful handwriting. You can practice using existing templates or create your own designs. All you need are pens with different sized tips. If you have broad markers and fine-tipped pens, then you’re good to go.
  • Yoga and Meditation – there are several free apps like Downdog, Calm, and Headspace that can take you through guided meditation and yoga.
  • Foreign Language Film Buff – Netflix has a good curation of foreign films that come highly recommended. You might discover exciting things about other cultures and also get inspiration for your next travel destination.
  • Baking – who doesn’t love baked goods? It doesn’t even have to be cookies, you can make pies or bread or even just start out with baking that leftover spaghetti and turning it into something new.
  • Cocktail Mixing – you can impress your friends with your knowledge of cocktail mixing. Start with the classics: long island, gin + tonic, or an “old fashioned”.
  • Needlework – explore cross-stitching, knitting, embroidery, or crochet
  • Drawing or Painting – there are lots of YouTube videos to guide you through drawing or painting. You can even start with crayons or oil pastels, or whatever is available at home.
  • Gardening – get a few hanging pots and soil, then clear out space near a sunny window. You can start with cuttings because those are easy to grow. Pothos plants can be rooted in water and require minimal care. Other plants that are low maintenance are aloe vera, peace lilies, ZZ plants, and jade plants. You can ask your #plantparent friends for cuttings of these plants.

These hobbies are free or are very inexpensive to take up. Yet, they have huge benefits for your mental health. What hobbies have you taken up during the pandemic? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp


Cabin Fever Is Not Just A Bad Horror Movie

Cabin Fever Is Not Just A Bad Horror Movie

Is there such a thing as too much staying at home? Those of us who have been working from home, have been self-isolating or have unfortunately been furloughed during this global pandemic have been locked within our home’s four walls – part sanctuary, part prison. Not to be whiny, but sometimes it’s not so easy to stay put. Cabin fever is a real thing and a lot of us are starting to feel it. 

Cabin fever isn’t just a bad horror movie or the source of Jack Nicholson’s mania from “The Shining”. It is the term we use for the feeling associated with staying in the same place for a long time. People who experience it reportedly feel lethargic, irritable, frustrated, angry, and claustrophobic. How does cabin fever affect us and how do we take our lives back?

Our need to be in control

The first effect of cabin fever is our human need to be in control. While some people have the unfortunate task of self-quarantining due to actually contracting the virus, a lot of us are self-isolating due to the fear of contracting the virus. There is no cure for it yet, and so we resort to staying at home. This means we are locked up due to things we can’t control. We are a solutions-centric culture, and while that works out well for almost everything else in life, it makes it harder for us to accept uncertainty on an ongoing basis. There is no end in sight…at least not right now. This is a bitter pill to swallow. But if we relinquish the need for control, we might end up with enough mental space to consider options and allow for what is possible right now.

Our need to be connected

Relationships are nurtured with connection but self-isolation is about wilfully keeping yourself away from others. That takes away our support systems who help us cope with crisis – friends, family, church, school, etc. Without the physical proximity of these support systems, we feel that we are going at it alone. This is a lie. Our support systems are still present albeit, physically distant. We may not be able to gather together, but we can take steps to keep these relationships strong. Schedule weekly catch up with your support systems. Send daily messages. Do not let your relationships grow distant.

Our need to feel productive

Covid-19 has limited the activities that we are able to do. Work and school have to be done remotely now. Gatherings are still basically prohibited or controlled. Social activities that used to bring us joy: like going to the movies, hanging out with friends, exercising at the gym, watching a baseball game, or going to a concert are all prohibited now. We’ve run out of activities that keep us creative, engaged, motivated, or productive. What’s left is working from home or learning from home and as the saying goes…all work and no play…you know the rest. What we need to do is to discover or re-discover new hobbies. Learning something new is good for the mind and the body. Find new (or old) things to love.

What are your cabin fever stories? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp