

employee-productivityThe universal access to the Internet by a large number of computer savvy employees changed the way we look at productivity. For example, in the old days, filing the boss’s sent letters, signed contracts, and reports into its proper folder was a measure of being productive. Nowadays, electronic signatures make sending out business letters and the subsequent filing done with a click of a mouse.

Which brings us to the question – how productive are virtual assistants (VAs)? What mindset, attitude do they bring to the table to have pushed the virtual assistance industry to the global phenomenon it is now?

As an on-call virtual assistant, let me share some traits that made virtual assistants a force in the worldwide administrative and business support community.

  1. Focus – these employees are focused. In some cases, they can have tunnel vision; totally tuned in to the task at hand until the job is done and the client satisfied which will guarantee future repeat business.
  2. Patient – they know how to ask questions, follow on loose ends, close the loop. They are willing to restart tasks, doing it differently each time, when necessary.
  3. Persistent – they are willing to learn, try, and master new applications. They look at each new business relationship as an opportunity to grow their company and themselves, professionally.
  4. Passionate – they believe in their profession and are happy in assisting clients. As they are committed professionals, the satisfaction for each successful transaction spreads from the work environment to the personal.

Given that virtual assistants are remotely located from employers, productivity is crucial. Effective execution of tasks such as filing of reports, contracts, setting up appointments and conferences electronically is still a parameter for work performed. Because a VA will quickly find and use a phone number or a case study in the files as reference for the business at hand reflects productivity at its most effective.

Developing focus, patience, persistence along with excellent job execution equal high productivity, a win-win situation like no other.

Written by Yoli P.- The Help