Tag Archives: Consistency

Why Consistency Is The Key To Achieving Your Goals

Why Consistency Is The Key To Achieving Your Goals

When we see successful people, we may think that they probably are able to spot opportunities at every turn and act on these opportunities accordingly. Successful people may have inspirational stories of overcoming adversity, having incredible natural abilities, having access to resources, or having pure luck. Sure, it can be one or all of those. It can also be great genes, the perfect environment, or serendipity. The stars have aligned perfectly for them.

It’s easier to think that the universe conspired to make these billionaires, athletes, world leaders, and any other famous person successful because it takes the responsibility of having to work for our success off of our hands. Here’s an open secret: consistency in practicing goal-aligned behaviors is the key to success. THAT is something we all have control over, and we can choose to practice.

The brain does not like uncertainty. It looks for order, predictability, and regularity. This is why your brain finds comfort in consistency, because consistency reduces uncertainty and makes things regular and predictable.

Don’t get me wrong, your brain also loves things that are new…and easy. It’s wired to learn but also wired to find the easiest path to success. So if you struggle to stay consistent, let these tips help you:

Be clear about your goals

We always hear about creating SMART goals. That is actually based on sound science. When you have goals that are too vague, the brain depletes its resources in trying to figure out things. Essentially, you are not doing your brain any favors by creating vague goals.

Don’t create your own obstacles

To stay consistent, you have to remove all the stuff that makes reaching your goals hard. Make it as easy on yourself as possible to reach your goals. Prepare your environment. For example, if you want to consistently practice yoga every morning, make it easy by laying out your gear and mat the night before. All you have to do is wake up and practice yoga.

Don’t be too focused on the outcome

Outcomes are important when you’re trying to reach a goal BUT you have to allow room for flexibility. It helps you to be able to think on your feet and re-adjust when necessary.

Don’t rely on willpower alone

Routine and regularity help with consistency for this reason – you will never have to use willpower if you establish a routine. Willpower is a finite resource. Conserve for important scenarios such as decision-making etc. Also, help yourself by eliminating temptation. For example, if your phone is causing you to be distracted at work – put it away or download an app that will block certain social media sites for a while. If you have a serious phone addiction, contemplate locking it in a safe that has a timer to help you stay off your phone while you get work done.

How about you, what are your consistency tips? In which instance has consistency helped you successfully achieve your goals? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp