Tag Archives: Office Color

What Color Is Your Office?

What Color Is Your Office?

During the New Year, I rearranged my home office with my back against an accent wall. The purpose was for the accent wall to serve as a background to video calls. I was pretty happy with the new arrangement as it meant I had more space to move around. However, a colleague pointed out that the accent wall was a bit problematic. For one, it was bright red. The kind of red you’d find at fast food joints. The color was distracting and it washed me out. Another problem was the color psychology behind the color red. While it does represent power, excitement, and energy, it also represents danger and anger. Too much stimulation makes me feel tired and irritable. Not good for video calls at all.

Our work environments have an effect on our performance. We spend so much time at work, about one-third of our lives. It would make sense to make it comfortable and optimized for productivity so that we feel energized and inspired.

Looking At Color Psychology

There is a general lack of research in the area of color psychology. However, we cannot deny the impact it has on our moods, feelings, and behaviors. Its symbolic impact is recognized universally. This is why areas such as marketing, art, and design rely so much on color psychology. 

Ever wonder why red is such a popular color for fast food joints and restaurants? Take McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, In-N-Out Burger, and Wendy’s for example. They all have predominantly red logos. This is because red is known to increase appetite and metabolism, making you feel hungry.

On the other side of the spectrum, cool colors such as blue, green, and purple invoke feelings of calmness and authority. This is why companies such as LinkedIn, PayPal, Twitter, and Walmart have predominantly blue logos.

Pro Tips:

  • When redecorating your house or your home office, keep in mind the colors of your surroundings and accent pieces. Muted colors are always a safe bet as a background color. Off-white, cream, or a light shade of grey looks better in the background when you are on a video call versus opting for more bold and dramatic colored backgrounds. 
  • You can also go for accent pieces instead of covering your office in one color scheme. If you want a pop of color, try hanging a painting or a poster against a solid-colored wall. 
  • Plants also add a pop of color to your office. They not only bring a bit of nature in, but also add style and beauty to your office. Not to mention their added health benefits as they purify the air inside your office and help you feel less stressed.

Make your workstation a place where you genuinely love spending time. Work is challenging enough, you shouldn’t be contending with an uncomfortable and distracting home office as well.

What does your home office look like? Describe it to us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp