Tag Archives: PC Organizing

Easy PC Organizing

Easy PC Organizing

Ah, Microsoft updates…don’t you just love them? They take up a chunk of time and you don’t always like what they have changed – this time around. But, it is prudent to always update your OS, not to mention your antivirus. Keeping your devices running smoothly takes a lot of work. You’d have to defrag, run updates, keep your files organized, have a competent Antivirus, etc. These things will ensure that your machine will keep working long after you shelled out a crazy amount of money to get that powerful workhorse. If you’re lazy about taking care of your devices, an OS update and anti-virus update is the very least amount of maintenance you can do for keeping your data and your machines safe.

But what about organization? If you’re too lazy to do software maintenance, you’re most likely too lazy (or inexperienced) to keep your files organized.

Tell me…does your downloads folder look like it is in need of its own dewey decimal system? Is it filled with old files that you have downloaded since 2015? Is your desktop stacked with icons and app shortcuts and folders for saving off temporary files? Can you even see your wallpaper? Does your start menu fill up the bottom bar of your screen? Is there even space to add more? Does your photo library have old photos? Bad photos? 10 photos of the same thing? (Yes, I’m talking about those selfies where you have the same shirt on but just different poses)

I’m sure you get my point. Our rooms, our houses, our lives need a little bit of spring cleaning from time to time – so do your work machines – PCs, laptops, and phones.

If you can’t be bothered or don’t know how to – here are three organizers that can automate the job for you:

Adobe Lightroom – this powerful tool can organize your photos for you. If you work in the creative industry or dabble in some photography – you’re going to need a tool to organize your growing photo collection. Here’s how to use it to organize your photos.

DigiKam – digiKam is an advanced open-source digital photo management application that runs on Linux, Windows, and MacOS. The application provides a comprehensive set of tools for importing, managing, editing, and sharing photos and raw files. As you’ve read, it is a free and open source tool – but if you love their work, you can give them a donation to support their projects.

Aerosnap – this nifty tool lets you send your active window to any part your screen You can minimize, open shrink to fill a quarter or half of your display, and bounce off your primary display entirely (if you have a multi-monitor setup). Just hit the Window key + one of the arrow keys to start snapping. This feature has been made available since Win7. Here are instructions on how to turn the feature on and off on Win10.

Do you know of other organizing tools that can automate file organization for you? We’d be happy to learn about them, share them with us in the comments! Stay humble, hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help