Tag Archives: Work

9 Tips To Build Your Confidence

9 Tips To Build Your Confidence

Confidence is a state of mind and so it is unique for everyone. It comes from having a healthy acceptance of yourself, both mind and body coupled with a strong belief in your abilities and skills. It can be very difficult to succeed in any endeavor without confidence. It goes hand in hand with self-esteem. How you see yourself is how others will see you. So make sure to reflect back what an amazing person you are. While there are no set rules for building confidence, here are a few tips on helping you improve your confidence levels.

  1. Keep smiling – smiling helps you project a positive and confident demeanor. It conveys the image that you are above annoyances and things that can ruin your day. It signals to other people that you are approachable and feel good about yourself. Even if you don’t feel like it, try to smile and watch as your whole outlook takes a turn for the positive.
  2. Treat yourself – rewarding yourself for small(and big) wins signifies that you expect good things to happen to you and that you deserve the good things that come your way.
  3. Explore your passions – another confidence booster is to explore your passion. It’s hard to be not self-assured when you know for a fact that there is something you are wonderful at. Developing a skill or improving upon an existing one will only help you gain more confidence.
  4. Credit where credit is due – give yourself a compliment every time you do something good or achieve something great. You deserve the credit.
  5. Consistent exercise – being healthy and looking healthy are great confidence boosters. So get on a consistent exercise routine. While going for a svelte look is a good goal, you can do it for health reasons.
  6. Eat better – food affects your mood and good food will put you in a better and more confident mindset. Imagine the last time you ate a lot of junk food? Did you feel better after? Didn’t think so.
  7. Strong support group – sometimes, it takes others to boost our confidence. Take advantage of your support group for a confidence boost. The kind and encouraging words of your friends and family will wash away your insecurities. 
  8. Know your pros – everyone has something that they’re good at. List all your good qualities down and revisit that list every time you need a confidence boost. Incorporate your strong points into affirmations such as “ I am confident about my public speaking skills.”
  9. Stop comparing yourself to others – comparison is the death of joy. Focus on yourself and how you can improve instead of comparing yourself to others. Everyone has their own journey to run.

Our confidence is directly proportional to your quality of life. As your confidence increases, so does your quality of life. So work on boosting your confidence today and explore becoming your best self. What other confidence-boosting tips do you have? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

When a Vacation can’t Cure a Burnout from Work

When a Vacation can’t Cure a Burnout from Work

Have you ever woken up on a Monday morning and exclaimed to yourself – “oh no, not again!” It starts off sinisterly, like on one unassuming Sunday afternoon. Our heart starts to fill with dread at the thought of coming to work tomorrow. And when tomorrow finally rolls in, you drag yourself out of bed and try to fake energy and enthusiasm with a cup of coffee. You somehow manage to get yourself to the office and hunker down to work but lose your focus and get annoyed at the slightest work interruption.

If this keeps happening, then it’s no longer normal work stress. It is a burnout. You might not believe it, seeing as you love your job so much. But even those who have passion for their jobs are not immune to experiencing burnouts. If you’re one of them, you are not alone.

A Deloitte marketplace survey says 77% of 1000 respondents experience employee burnout at their current job. In a culture where busy is a badge of honor and constant exhaustion is the new normal, it is no surprise that many employees are wildly careening towards a big crash n’ burn. So how do you get yourself back on track? Here are 3 tips to “cure” a burnout, realistically.

Get your time back
Being busy leaves us with no time for self-reflection. So you work your way through the day and power through without a second thought about how you are feeling. You then slowly but steadily move out of sync with your emotional state. Over time, your emotional tank gets by on being half full (or almost empty) and that is a sure way that leads to burnout.

Don’t wait until your tank is empty before you practice self-care. Pause and take a physical and mental break. Reflect on how you’re feeling. Are you running on fumes? Refuel your tank by getting food, taking a break, packing up for the day, writing a to-do list, or just deep breathing for a while.

Detach yourself from work
When you leave the office at 6pm, are you done for the day or do you take work home? Being constantly connected means you never miss a thing, but it also means you never truly leave work behind – you just change venues. If you take work home, check your email during weekends, work on that project while on vacation, or answer business calls in the car, you’re constantly working without breaks. So why do you wonder why you’re so exhausted?

Learn to set personal boundaries. Know when work is over and personal time begins. Set hard stop times. And please, for the love of all that’s fun, mentally detach yourself from work at the end of each workday and take your weekends back.

The incredibly satisfying art of doing nothing
Technology is an amazing thing. We now have an app for everything. This is why we never get bored. If you own a smartphone, you’ll always have something to do. Check your social media feeds, watch the news, play a game, pay your bills, shop online, plan your next vacation, listen to music, or even take online courses. There is no shortage of things to keep you busy. No one is really doing nothing. We’re all busy doing productive or quasi productive things, especially on our mobile devices. But even if we’re doing these things to pass the time, it really doesn’t help us with much needed physiological and psychological replenishment. So do yourself a favor, schedule a time in your busy workday to just nothing for at least 5mins. Your brain will thank you.

How do you beat work burnout? Let us know in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today.

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp