Tag Archives: Work Schedule

How To Be Productive No Matter What Shift Schedule You Are On

How To Be Productive No Matter What Shift Schedule You Are On

I don’t know about you, but since the global lockdowns due to the pandemic, my circadian rhythm has been out of whack. One major reason is that more people are working from home and have the ability to work across different time zones. Which keeps them up very late or very early. 

Switching schedules can wreak havoc on your schedule and decrease productivity. It is advisable to stick to a consistent work schedule because our brains work best when it follows a routine. Why? Routine trumps willpower because it doesn’t require such a huge effort from you. Once you have an established routine, everything else follows a schedule – that’s why we say “it’s like clockwork.” It doesn’t take much mental energy to follow a routine, it flows easily whereas willpower is an extremely finite resource. Routine signals to your brain what it should expect thus making it easier for you to be productive and get work done.

Now that we’ve established why it’s important to have a routine in order to be productive, here are some tips to make that work for you no matter what shift schedule you’re on. 

Extend your routine to the non-work parts of your day

Having a “morning routine” signals the start of your day – whatever time that is. Having an “evening routine” signals the end of the day – whatever time that is. So if your “morning routine” includes, a quick workout or yoga flow, taking a shower, getting dressed, and making coffee, then do that to signal the start of your day – even if your shift starts at 6pm. 

Incorporate “structure” into your workday

This could mean working at the same place (a home office helps), starting and stopping work at the same time each day, having the same tools/apps ready when you log-in for work. Don’t forget to also incorporate reeks into your workflow. The Pomodoro Technique, a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo, can help you break up your day into productive intervals. 

Customize your routine to fit YOUR lifestyle

If you’re naturally more productive after having coffee, then schedule all your brain work after you’ve had time to process your first cup. If you’re prone to experiencing mental blocks in the middle of your shift, take a break, get away from your desk for a while and take a walk to clear your mind. If you’re working from home and can afford a little flexibility in your schedule, you can maybe get some errands in so that it doesn’t weigh on you the whole day.

If you extend your routine, incorporate structure into your workday, and customize your routine, you can be productive no matter what shift schedule you’re working. Do you have any tips to manage productivity even with an unpredictable work schedule or shifting schedule? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp