What is Virtual Assistance?

What is Virtual Assistance?

Virtual Assistance is a booming service industry basically defined by the nature of its delivery that is via the Internet.

Practitioners or providers of the service are Virtual Assistants, operating as business entities doing administrative, financial, and technical tasks from a remote location.

Growing small businesses, shrinking incomes, and unemployment in certain commercial sectors contributed to the advance of the virtual assistance industry.




So what are virtual assistants?

Overall, virtual assistants are skillful administrative professionals whose long and varied experience give them solid footing in the workplace.  They are Microsoft office systems doyens, presentation experts, and Excel whizzes. Some of them have specialized abilities like paralegals and translators. Others are excellent personal assistants, SEO managers, and writers.  However, certain business traits are necessary to be considered a successful virtual assistant.

Open communication – Building The Help team from the ground up, communication played a major factor.  It meant and continues to mean active listening to the professional needs of clients.  It is also important to listen to the team’s ideas so that cooperation is nurtured. The Help is committed to its vision to enhance operational functions and boost the competitive edge of small to medium sized companies.  The goal makes sharing and initiating open, clear conversations with clients via email, Skype, and the telephone an ongoing activity at The Help. It is a best practice that has caused steady company growth.

Cooperation in a functioning groupThe Help exists to assist another party, implying there is a common goal, which is completion of a given task.  For example a client would like a room reserved at hotel close to the beach. The client is informed via email of the hotel confirmation and upon arrival, the concierge registers him or her. Facilitated by The Help, the hotel and the client are satisfied by the service.  This is translated into prompt payment of The Help’s fees and the strong possibility of a future team up.

CommitmentThe Help’s relationship with employers is a responsibility meaning the team can be depended upon to deliver contracted services. Elance ranks its members performance record accordingly; The Help is at Number 2, nationwide. Accountability is important and each team member is reliable, has initiative and is motivated to improve her/his skill set. There is too, the availability of a virtual assistant. Being on call 24/7 can be a distinct advantage, depending on the client’s contracted hours.


However, communication, cooperation, and commitment even availability do not guarantee success for a virtual assistant or team performing virtual assistance.  Underlying all businesses is the passion to move a company forward. The Help will talk about success next time.


Written by Yoli P.- The Help